Professional and Skilled Worker
Federal Skilled Worker | Canadian Experience Class | Trade Skill Worker

Study In Canada
Apply college and university | Student visa | Study permit | Settle in canada |

Provincial Nominee Program
British Colombia | Saskatchewan | Quebec | Manitoba | Prince Edward Island | Alberta ...

Temporary Visa
Visitor visa | Study permit | Work permit |

Visitors Visa
Canada's Visitor Visa is required for applicants who want to enter Canada on a temporary basis

What's the right immigration program for you?
Use FREE ASSESSMENT TOOLS calculate your score and find out if you are eligible.

Permanent Residency
When you immigrate to Canada, you can be categorized as a temporary or permanent resident.

Pilot Programs
Rural & Northern Immigration | Agri-Food | Atlantic | Home Child-Care Provider

In-demand Occupations
Labour shortage has created thousands of job opportunities

Family Sponsorship
Spouse or Legal Partner sponsorship | Children | Parents and Grandparents |

Business Immigration
Start-up Visa (SUV) starting a business | Self-employed in cultural or athletic activities
High Quality Life
If you come to Canada as a skilled immigrant, you and your family will benefit from world-class education and high quality of life. Canada is a diverse and multicultural country with plenty of support to help you and your family achieve success when you arrive in Canada.
Freedom is the foundation of Canadian life. Canada promotes equal opportunity for all, in all areas of life.
Strong Economy
Canada has a great job market and plenty of opportunities for skilled workers like you. Employment levels are high and country low annual inflation rate means that it's relatively affordable for you and your family.
Canada supports businesses and entrepreneurs through low taxes and other incentives. All in all, Canada is a great place to WORK AND DO BUSINESS.
Immigration Programs
Canada’s immigration system has different visas and immigration programs to help you immigrate to Canada in the simplest and quickest way.
Express Entry is one of the fastest and efficient immigration streams designed to help Canada deal with labour shortages. It is based on a point system called the CRS.
VanGate Immigration

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)
Check Your Eligibility

MON - FRI 9:00-17:00

SAT-THU 10:00-18:00